Delivering Miracles - Smallprint

Baby Surgeons - Delivering Miracles

May 11, 2021 2 min read

Baby Surgeons - Delivering Miracles

This is such an incredible series, in which we see the very best of people bravely using their skills and compassion to help the babies of expectant parents. It shows us how life and death are closely related at times, and the importance of other people in our lives.  

This new three-part documentary series is told through the eyes of the women and the clinical teams who treat them in the Fetal Medicine Unit at St George’s. Following expectant parents as they navigate medically and emotionally complex pregnancies, each episode reveals how, or even if, the parents and staff should intervene with the pregnancies. 

There is an overwhelming feeling of joy when things go well, and the series is gently realistic reporting occasions of great sadness too. Parents and staff are all hoping for the best outcomes, and here we see people exposed and emotions at their rawest. 

St Georges is home to the "First Touch" charity, and Sarah Collins (Charity Director) was interviewed as part of this series. She spoke about her own personal experience years ago when needing additional support after the early birth of her daughter, and how the charity helps both staff and parents as they navigate their time spent in the hospital. It may be something as simple as providing food for staff or somewhere for them to unwind, and for parents it might be facilitating overnight stays so they can be as near to their babies as possible. Find out more about the work that is being done.

Apart from being an amazing series to marvel at how babies can be monitored and even treated before birth, it serves as a reminder of how precious life and love are. We treasure holding those we can close, and remember those we were unable to with love.

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